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Table of Contents

This page contains the book's table of contents, which should help you to understand what it covers. Click on any chapter heading to see a list of the sections in that chapter.


Part I: Learning Java

    Chapter 1: Getting Started

    Chapter 2: Java from Basics

    Chapter 3: Java for C Programmers

    Chapter 4: Advanced Java

    Chapter 5: The Standard Libraries

    Chapter 6: Object Orientation

Part II: Scientific Applications

    Chapter 7: JSGL, a Scientific Graphics Library for Java

    Chapter 8: JNL, a Numerical Library for Java

    Chapter 9: Numerical Computation

    Chapter 10: Programming Practices

    Chapter 11: Physical Modelling

    Appendix A: Other Resources

    Appendix B: Installation Instructions

    Appendix C: Solutions to Selected Exercises

